Asked Questions

Pondering the Judeo-Christian God

I’ve been asked many times, “If God is a loving and moral God, why is there so much pain, suffering and evil in this world?”

How do you answer such an impossible question.

The atheistic answer seems clear enough. First, there is no God. And second, we are largely pre-disposed to just do what we do, with no free will, because our minds are simply chemical reactions to external stimuli.

But that doesn’t really satisfy the intellect, does it?

The atheist will then ask, why did God create war and famine and killing and and and… ?!? All the while, they presuppose, there is no God and there is no free will. But… IF God did give humanity free-will, then the atheist will be put back on their heels and here’s why.

Christians believe God gave humanity free-will. What that means is that Christians, by their very nature will take responsibility for their own actions, KNOWING that they sin and KNOWING that they are in fact the ones that MADE THE CHOICE to do really terrible things. God allows it. That’s a tough position to hold to, but that doesn’t make God bad, it makes God loving. He allows us to live freely, with the hopes that we would seek to know him.

The atheists position however suggests that they didn’t have a choice in the matter and so sin, in and of itself is a moot point and doesn’t exist. I don’t know about you, but I had a choice to write this piece about how atheists, when they actually take accountability for their own actions and accept there is a higher morality than their very own subjective point of view, will actually come face-to-face with their creator, who is Jesus. Hard pill to swallow, but that’s just the way it goes.

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