Biden Fact Checking Uncategorized

It’s not about freedom or personal choice – Joe Biden

When do we acknowledge what is happening before our eyes???

Biden’s son involved in global sex trafficking.
Quid Pro Joe does “quid pro quo” with foreign national to get a prosecutor off of his son’s back.
Sleep Joe says, “If you don’t vote for me, you’re not black.” and is given a pass.
Gaffe Joe pays people to stay home and not work, to push the United States into a hyper-inflation situation.
“No Man Left Behind” Biden (or at least only a few hundred or thousand) – abandons BILLIONS of dollars worth of military equipment to FULLY EQUIP THE TALIBAN….

AND NOW… Last night Dictator Joe lets us know…..

It’s not about freedom or personal choice, it’s about protecting yourself and those around you. – Biden – 9/9/2021

– I have to agree with Samuel Adam’s position on Freedom vs. Slavery in light of what No Mo Joe said.
If ye love… servitude better than… freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.― Samuel Adams – one of the founding fathers of our great United States…

#MyBodyMyChoice. #BodilyAutonomy. #FreedomVsSlavery
This isn’t a Right Wing Slandering of the president. It’s not a Fox headline or report. This isn’t NewsMax. This is MSNBC, one of the dolls of the Left Wing media.

Cause for Concern

Abortion Mills Have Killed over 44 million children since 1973 – MOSTLY MINORITIES – 61% or more.

Appears Elizabeth Warren wants more deaths, at least at a higher rate.

Elizabeth went on a rant about how Texas has decided to limit murders at Planned Parenthood. When I say limit, I mean, that any child that has a heart beat may no longer be murdered in the womb. Why does the heart beat matter, you may ask. Isn’t that the measurement when a doctor determines that a person cannot be resuscitated and their heart has stopped? The doctor then writes down the time of death.

I decided to call her out… but then our friend Wayne T builds up a fun little strawman and then try to blow me away with his quip.

So, I thought since I put the time into answering him, that I would share my response:

 @Wayne T  – I suspect you don’t want facts. Just remember this statement. Black Babies Matter.

If I said only minorities get abortions, then I would mean that only minorities get abortions. However, you just decided to attempt to rewrite what I said and put your own agenda into it. AKA, your strawman attempt was weak.

As of 2020/2/25 – out of 44 million abortions, 19 million were black since 1973 – Roe vs Wade. It’s called Eugenics and it’s by design sir. Margaret Sanger believed in Eugenics – the founder of Planned Parenthood. Just read their site: She was a white supremist, spoke at a KKK rally and targeted black communities to set up abortion centers. (I took a screen capture in the article below so you can read what they have there today)
2019 – Of all abortions, 39% are white (white women are 60% of all women), 34% are black women (black women are 12.9% of all women) and 20% are hispanic women (hispanic are 18% of all women) – and 8% other (non-white)

Couple that with what Elizabeth Warren said herself, that it will disproportionately affect minorities…

So – TECHNICALLY – 61% of all women who get abortions are minorities, which wasn’t my point – but since you put together a strawman and were trying to gas-light me, I figure I can just show you the statistics.

It’s not my opinion. These are facts sir. Thank you for the challenge. You can read up on it!!!

Roe v Wade notes:
All women in US – population between White/Black/Hispanic:
Abortions in 2018:,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

Clip from Planned Parenthood, should they decide to revise this later in time: