Cause for Concern

Selfies on the Internet

This applies to men and women alike, but hear me out.

A woman said she was asked an interesting question. The question was, “Why don’t you ever post selfies of just yourself on Facebook? It’s either of you and your kid or all three of you together or you and your husband. Why don’t you ever just post one by yourself?”

Her answer was plain and simple, “If I posted a selfie of just me, all it would take is for one man to comment on it or to send her a message that said, “Hey you look pretty today.”

And she believes that without a shadow of a doubt that a family built on strong Christian principles and has a strong relationship with the Lord is the devil’s greatest threat.

So as soon as that one comment or that one message is sent, there’s the devil’s foothold.

Her husband works 14 days away every month out of town. She finished with this…

“So if I go and look for attention in the wrong places and then I start receiving it, it’s going to feel pretty good. Because sin feels good. Temptation looks awesome. But at the end of the say, I have everything I need right here at home. If I need attention or if I need somebody to tell me I look pretty, I’m going to send that selfie to my husband. So married Christian women, seek that attention from your husband, not the Internet.”

It’s fascinating that there are so many people that criticized this lady. Including this one. Ugh.