
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


Was reading up on chickens being butchered at only 47 days old in the U.S. for their meat. These are still essentially baby chickens. They are locked up in tight quarters, they are fed all day long, then they are “Live-Shackle Slaughtered,” which means they are handcuffed (feet cuffed) hung upside down, run through electrified water to stun them and then have their throat cut and then boiled. 1

Let’s process this. Once a chicken mates, it takes about 12 days to lay a fertile egg. From the time is is laid to the time it hatches in about 23 days and then these chickens are killed on average of 47 days. So, this is 82 days since the chicken mated.

This organization has brought light to a very important subject, cruelty to living organisms. Worse yet, a very young chicken and they certainly are NOT MATURE YET. Most of them never see the light of day as they are inside for a huge majority if not all of their lives. Please note, that they are accepting your money to help in the protection of animals. That’s interesting.

Chickens are largely domesticated animals. They are not classified as a reptile which is a type of animal. Nor are they a mammal which is another type of animal. Humans however are mammals.

I’d like to compare chickens to humans real quick. From the moment a woman mates, she has about 280 days until the baby sees the light of day. That is, of course, unless a planned parenthood doctor doesn’t take their forceps with a serrated edge, sometimes called a Sopher clamp, and crush the baby’s head and then sever the limbs and pull out all the pieces, lining them up, to make sure they got the whole baby out. 2

Please note, this isn’t ALL babies. Some will just use a chemical to make it impossible for the child to feed anymore because it separates from the uterine wall, so it dies of starvation. Yet others will use a vacuum and just suck the baby parts out of the woman’s body and then scrape anything left off the wall of the woman’s uterus.

Now, I will grant you, 65% of all abortions are done by the 63rd day of pregnancy. But what this also means is that 35% of abortions are done from the 64th day to the actual day of birth. But another way to look at it, is that 88% of abortions are done in the first trimester, which means by the 83rd day. 3

Quick comparison:

Chickens killed by the 82nd day and tortured up to death.

Human babies are mostly killed, 88%, before the 83rd day in an equally torturous way.

And then, here’s the kicker. Planned Parenthood was confirmed by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to have been harvesting organs. Planned Parenthood did not deny any of the footage revealing this information as evidence in the case. 4

Politico said the “videos were manipulated.”

New York Times said the “videos were altered.”

Huffington Post said the “videos were totally manipulated… and misleadingly altered.”

However the court saw through the nonsense and hypocrisy. My question is. Do you?

I’m not saying the treatment of the chickens is bad or good. But there are sure a lot of people supporting the treatment of unborn babies. If you are one of those people who say it’s terrible that 82 day old chickens dying this way is bad, then why is an 82 day old baby less bad?

Media Fact Checking Trump Fact Checking

Is Trump a racist?

Seems that CNN, MSNBC, CBS and all the others on the left keep telling us, “Trump is a Racist.” What’s the truth? Does Trump hate Black people? Does Trump hate Mexicans? Does Trump hate Jews? Does Trump hate any race of people?

I’m going to address a couple of these and will add on as I have time. Here’s the first one…

People keep saying that Trump hates Jews. Let’s set aside the fact that Trump’s daughter is a Jewish convert and his son-in-law is Jewish. How about if you just hear it from the prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu? He says, “No greater supporter to Jewish people than Trump.” Just listen for yourself.

It seems we can cancel those who say that Trump doesn’t like Jews. This is one off the list. Let’s see what else we can come up with.

MSNBC reported the following as what Trump said. Do please notice where the quotes are and what is in the brackets.

Read the Youtube headline “Donald Trump’s Comments on Immigrants: They’re Rapists. They All Have AIDS | Velshi & Ruhle |MSNBC”

Now, if Trump actually said this, I’d fire Trump in an instant. The announcer Ali Velshi states the lead up and the clip continues, “Back when he announced his candidacy, the day he announced his candidacy in 2015 he made inflammatory remarks about Mexican immigrants” and the next words out of Trump’s mouth – mid-sentence, just as the headline showed were “they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists and some I assume are good people.” That’s it, that’s all that was shown at that moment, to bookend the point made about Trump being racist as he turns and rushes to the next feed of information.

What about what came before that mid sentence clip that Kenyan-born Muslim Ali Velshi set this up for? (giving context for those opposing Trump and any potential bias) MSNBC doesn’t want you to know the truth.

Here is one of the pieces that Ali Velshi has for us. One of Ali’s quotes leading into many different comments against Trump, everyone one which he only gives a snippet, while concealing ALL CONTEXT. “Long list of incendiary remarks from Donald Trump.” – Ali Velshi

Incomplete clip

C-Span2 – here is what Trump actually said. “The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everyone else’s problems.” He’s not wrong. Countries all over the world are broken and many are in war or overrun with crime. Mexico being one of them. Entire Mexican border towns filled with cartel. Tell me… Do you have a trip scheduled to go to Tijuana or Nuevo Laredo anytime soon? If you do, you should really consider that Tijuana is officially the highest murder rate in the world. This is a border town in California, right next to San Diego.

Many of the people in those countries are broke and have no options and FLEE their country in hopes of something better. These aren’t primarily the elite of these countries. Really think about that. This is reality. Trump also said, “When Mexico sends it’s people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending YOU.” Process this as well. He looks around, most likely at other immigrants who are solid contributors to our society and our country.

Complete 57 minute clip starting at 10:38

Trump said “When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us at our stupidity. And now they’re beating us economically. They are not our friend. Believe me. But they’re killing us economically. The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.” (someone yelled out something) “It’s true,” Trump continued. “And these aren’t the best and the finest. When Mexico sends it’s people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people who have lots of problems. And they’re bringing those problems with us. (I would assume me meant -with them – but you decide) They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists and some I assume are good people.”

Ali Velshi/MSNBC says – Trump just said “Mexican immigrants” – when what Trump actually said was “The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.” & “And these aren’t the best and the finest. When Mexico sends it’s people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people who have lots of problems. And they’re bringing those problems with us. (them)”

Why are people leaving Mexico? They aren’t in a war are they? NBCNEWS reported October of 2021, “Violent crimes rise in Mexico; 94.8% go unpunished.” 1

Why doesn’t anyone give a crap about the problem and just solve the problem by taking on everyone else’s problems?

Back to it. Who are the people coming across the border illegally? It’s not the industrious family guy who works every day taking care of his family and has a great community to back him. It’s not the rich executives. It’s not those that have much of anything, but this do the often have to scrape up some money to come across. Why?

The destitute are coming across. But how do they get across? Do they just decide to head north and swim across the river and walk into the United States? NOT THAT EASY. Here’s what they aren’t telling you or at least what most of you are not seeing:

Cartel decides who comes across the border – from Texas to California. Let that sink in.

Mexican cartels exploiting border chaos to smuggle fentanyl into US 3NY Post 2022/06/10

A couple million people have illegally come across the border this year alone. In this chaos, fentanyl is being strapped onto migrants and these migrants are indebted to the cartels to deliver these drugs to some recipients already on our side of the border. It’s drug trafficking.

Greedy cartels are holding migrants for $10K ransom in stash houses after crossing 4NY Post 2022/07/13

The same Mexican cartels are holding more and more migrants for ransom as well, once they illegally get them across the border. The cartels are kidnapping these people and holding them in Texas cities in deplorable conditions. Remember, these migrants already paid once, to even get across the border, then they are tricked, kidnapped and held for ransom.

Drug cartels decide who crosses, and people in their organization use the children to enter the U.S. 5

I question this source above.

Legal immigrants commit crimes as a lesser percentage than US citizens – sources: The Sentencing Project and Cano Institute (libertarian). Perhaps this is true. And I hope it is. Legal immigrants are vetted before they are inducted into the United States and if they were found to have a criminal background, they would likely be ineligible.

The same is not true of illegal aliens. First, crossing the border is by it’s very nature illegal. Then getting a job, they are often committing a felony to obtain the proper documents to get a job, to drive and obtain benefits that are generally restricted to U.S. citizens. This includes documents like fraudulent Social Security numbers, which is a Federal offense, which they are actually utilizing other citizen’s numbers in the United States that they obtain to live in the U.S. This means fraud and U.S. citizens are directly impacted, sues, jailed and otherwise, because of the acts of illegal immigrants that stole their information. Destroys people’s credit scores, destroys people’s lives and can take away their freedom.

The Social Security Administration estimates that in 2019 the administration made $7.9 billion in improper payments due to fraud. 6

REPHRASE THIS – when dealing with illegals – It can take U.S. citizens YEARS to unscrew themselves from all the problems of illegal aliens using their Social Security numbers.

Here were other headlines – in 2015

Now, many may not like that Trump doesn’t see Mexico as our friend. And many may disagree and say that Mexico isn’t benefitting off of us economically, in an unfair way.

“I like Mexico. I love the Mexican people. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over. And they’re bad. They’re really bad,” he said. “You have people coming in, and I’m not just saying Mexicans, I’m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they’re coming into this country.” 7

During Trump’s presidential campaign for the 2016 election was a flurry of news reports of Trump “Quotes” and they were all pointing at Trump being a racist. Let’s look at what was said.

Ora, which is owned by the world’s second-richest man, Carlos Slim, described Trump’s comments as “racist”.8

Who is Carlos Slim? Other than owning Ora a Mexican television network,

The New York Times & Carlos Slim

Business Insider did a piece showing Trump talking about Carlos Slim on October 14th, 2016, where Trump indicated that Carlos owned 17% of The New York Time.9 Accessed on 10/26/2020

Quick review of The New York Times itself showed Trump’s assertion to be true 10.

Carlos Slim invested $250 million into The New York Times, while there were in financial crisis due to enormous amounts of debt, in 2009 where he original obtained 6.9% of the company. But between imposing a 14% interest rate including other criterion, his shares reached the current 17% after exercising what are called “warrants” which doubled his stake overnight.11 The Sulzberger family, which were the controlling family, let their ownership slip from 19% down to 13%. Carlos Slim is in the majority control now.12

Background of Carlos Slim Helu’:

Son of Catholic Lebanese immigrants to Mexico. As of this year, he is at about $50 billion of net worth.13 However another report is that as of 2017, he was at $65 billion, per Forbes.14

Side notes:

One of the articles before also mentioned’s founder Jeff Bezos buying the Washington Post in 2013.15

Persons Obtaining lawful Permanent Resident Status from Mexico:

Shiela Weaver – Mind you Sanctuary Cities started happening BEFORE Trump came to be our president. Why? You tell me… Note the date – 2015, July.
Overall deportations trending down since Trump: Start with this one – then look up the 2017, 2018 –
Pew research:
You will have fun with this one, because you will see the stat (Southwest border apprehensions have more than doubled FY 2019) since the year prior. Key word – BORDER. Not deportations, but stopping them. Then read the rest – Ice arrests go up from 2016, but were still less than under the years of Obama’s watch.
Last couple years have risen since Trump took office, but are still under the “highs” of Obama, by 20%+.
You say “lies”. What on earth do I have to gain? I’m a researcher. Genealogy, Biblical/Theological studies, Historical. I go to where the evidence leads me. If my mind has to be changed – like James Morris has helped me to form new views, then I evaluate, judge and change my mind. But see, people just keep blaming Trump. FOR EVERYTHING. When he is just doing it better and doing what he said he’d do, unlike the jokers from before him.
Hillary wanted a wall. (Dem) – Good for her. Obama wanted a wall and even voted for a wall. (Dem) – Good for him. Biden wanted a wall and even voted for a wall. (Dem) – Good for him.
Let me be more clear. Biden says that people coming across the border illegally are bringing tons, tons, tons of methamphetamines to cocaine to heroin. Does that mean that Biden says all Mexicans are drug pushers?
But then Trump wants a wall and actually builds a wall. (Ind/Rep) – Racist.
Absolutely Hypocrisy.
Obama had the cages built in 2014. Just go look. Illegal immigration was on the rise with
Just as many on average immigrant people coming in lawfully. Trump isn’t stopping people of different races and religions from coming to our country. Trump is on average, has welcomed immigrants in numbers similar to Obama – at about 1% of our total population allowed in, every 3 years.

Trump completely disavowed hatred, bigotry and violence. But CNN didn’t show this. MSNBC didn’t show this. They only showed you the clip where he says – “there were good people on both sides.” Trump does and always has wanted equality for all people of all colors. Please watch this 2 minute clip…. It’s just him talking.

Racism Comes in All Colors

For your edification:

I am not making music for white people. I am a Black woman, I am making music from my Black experience, for me to heal myself [from] the experience we call life. – Lizzo

And then she said:

We need self-love and self-love anthems more than anybody… So am I making music for that girl right there who looks like me, who grew up in a city where she was underappreciated and picked on and made to feel un-beautiful? Yes. It blows my mind when people say I’m not making music from a black perspective — how could I not do that as a Black artist? 

A white person saying they are doing it, “for people who look like me” would be labeled RACIST and CANCELLED. In fact, they have been.

I’m not going to include her picture here, because it is inappropriate for children. Check the link, if you dare.

Cause for Concern Media Fact Checking

Indians say that even “REDSKINS” is not racist

American Indians today see the term “Redskins” as being a sign of respect and admiration of the American Indian culture. So, woke left – You seem to be the one’s hating on the American Indians and taking away places where they are being respected. You made up your own facts, which are just flat out lies and you are devaluing yet another race of people.

Example: “Redskins…That’s a historic, that’s a fighter.” This same man then refers to Apache helicopters, Navajo Code Talkers and even citing “Geronimo”

There are some who are offended and are very vocal. However, a study states that 9 out of 10 Native Americans are NOT offended. Over 504 people were polled. One such person polled said, “The Washington Redskins team, our fans and community have always believed our name represents honor, respect and pride. Today’s Washing Post polling shows Native Americans agree.

Special note, is that some of the activists refer to George Floyd as being a catalyst for the “victory” they received in getting the Washington Redskins name changed.

Cause for Concern

Benjamin Watson cut off on live CNN TV.

Interview went on from 2:47pm CT until 2:59pm CT when he was cutoff. This is only a portion of the interview that they have of him. Don’t even have the whole thing:

And this is one of the parts that they cut out. And there is so much much. I just can’t seem to find it. If you have it, please send it to:

Biden Fact Checking Cause for Concern Media Fact Checking

Kids in Cages – Separated at the Border – or not?

Trump told us in 2020 that the pictures that were shown with “kids in cages” was actually a set of pictures from Obama’s administration. Biden then went on the record to say that Trump was responsible for the splitting up children from their families. Trump however said that it was cartels that were bringing in children and dumping them into the U.S. So, what is actually true? 1

Trump was clear and Biden was clear. But it seems that Trump was a bad man, doing something that no president had done before.

But now, it seems that hindsight it 20/20. Or should I say 20/22.

New York Post is clear – “Mexican drug cartels using kids as decoys in to smuggle its members into US: sheriff” 2

Mexico’s ruthless drug cartels are using helpless children as decoys to smuggle their members into the US — courtesy of the Biden administration’s relaxed immigration policies, law enforcement told The Post.

CNN is reporting it – April of 2021 “Border patrol video shows young children being dropped over 14-foot border fence into the US”3

It’s crystal clear. Trump was telling the truth. Biden was lying. And the “Woke” left believed Biden. So, it’s worse today that it was 2 years ago. Just let that marinate.

Cause for Concern

Selfies on the Internet

This applies to men and women alike, but hear me out.

A woman said she was asked an interesting question. The question was, “Why don’t you ever post selfies of just yourself on Facebook? It’s either of you and your kid or all three of you together or you and your husband. Why don’t you ever just post one by yourself?”

Her answer was plain and simple, “If I posted a selfie of just me, all it would take is for one man to comment on it or to send her a message that said, “Hey you look pretty today.”

And she believes that without a shadow of a doubt that a family built on strong Christian principles and has a strong relationship with the Lord is the devil’s greatest threat.

So as soon as that one comment or that one message is sent, there’s the devil’s foothold.

Her husband works 14 days away every month out of town. She finished with this…

“So if I go and look for attention in the wrong places and then I start receiving it, it’s going to feel pretty good. Because sin feels good. Temptation looks awesome. But at the end of the say, I have everything I need right here at home. If I need attention or if I need somebody to tell me I look pretty, I’m going to send that selfie to my husband. So married Christian women, seek that attention from your husband, not the Internet.”

It’s fascinating that there are so many people that criticized this lady. Including this one. Ugh.

Cause for Concern Media Fact Checking

Beto for Trashing Texas

Beto is a real class act. He’s seemingly anti-second amendment. He’s clearly the foulest mouth of most any politician. He doesn’t speak for me. And he certainly does not speak for a united Texas. Not only did Beto drop an f-bomb, he actually called someone a “motherf&cker.”

But is that enough to discard someone from candidacy? Maybe not.

Beto is coming after Texan guns. We all know here in the great state of Texas that Texans support constitutional carry. Let me ask you this. Are you good with Beto taking your AR-15 or any other guns you might have? Well he said and CNN quoted, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15” 1

Then there are things that are even more alarming about Beto.

Do you want a person who fantasized murdering children to run your great state of Texas? Do you want someone who complains about the rich, yet who is a multi-millionaire himself?

Read on from what Savanna posted yesterday on Facebook and all of the commonly accepted sources- 10/30/2022

Let’s not forget that he (Beto) fantasizes about mùř!nğ children. He is a walking red flag law. 2
And that he rails against the wealthy, when he himself is super-rich. 3
And he was a main member in a hacking group. 4
Just a poser with zero integrity.

That pretty much encapsulates the Democrat runner for Governor of Texas. Beto is not for Texas. Perhaps he should give Gavin Newsom a run for his money. I mean, Beto has tons of money, why not?

Fun little Beto support crew parody –

Thank you!!!

Thanks and good riddance… Again.

Cause for Concern

“Plant Based Foods” vs. Plants

Plants, if eaten and not processed by in large can be generally good for you with exceptions of course. Keeping in mind how they are produced… And I am not saying ORGANIC is good for you. But what about Plant Based Foods? First two picked at complete random. Here is an example of something that many people LOVE.

KateFarms – “Organic Vegan Plant Based Nutrition Shake.”
16g Protein, 330 Calories, 20g Total Sugars, 12g Total Fat

Ingredients: Purified Water, Organic Agave Syrup, Organic Pea Protein, Organic Brown Rice Syrup Solids, Organic Agave Inulin, Organic High Linoleic Sunflower Oil, Organic Dutch Cocoa Powder (Processed with Alkali), Organic Coconut Oil, Vitamin and Mineral Blend†, Organic Chocolate Flavor (Natural Flavors, Organic Cocoa Extract), Organic Flaxseed Oil, Organic Sunflower Lecithin, Organic Rosemary Extract, Organic Spectra™ Phytonutrient Blend‡.

Masked as #2 in the list is a highly processed sugar. And a terrible sugar. Not because it’s “Organic”, but that may be a contributor, but because Agave nectar when processed and called “Agave Syrup” is EXTREMELY high in fructose and is dismal for the body. 1 Then #4 is sugar again – highly processed as well. But if you notices before almost every ingredient it says “Organic” – “Organic” – “Organic” – tricks the mind to tell you that something is more healthy for you. You can see more on that here.

This is a “Plant Based Food.” You decide if it’s good for you.

Another random product. “Beyond Meat”. Great for the environment, right? But is it good for you?

Ingredients: Water, pea protein*, expeller-pressed canola oil, refined coconut oil, rice protein, natural flavors, dried yeast, cocoa butter, methylcellulose, contains 1% or less: potato starch, salt, potassium chloride, beet powder color, apple extract, pomegranate concentrate, sunflower lecithin, vinegar, lemon juice concentrate, vitamins and minerals (zinc sulfate, niacinamide [vitamin B3], pyridoxine hydrochloride [vitamin B6], cyanocobalamin [vitamin B12], calcium pantothenate). *warning of pea allergies

#2 ingredient is a highly processed yellow split pea (normally) milled into flour and is very high in sodium. #3 canola oil – trans fat, chemically made to not smell or taste, extracted by using hexane (solvent made from crude oil). #6 – Natural Flavors is bizarre, when you read what it actually is. MSG and a million other toxic and even addictive additives as approved by the FDA. 2 3

So yeah. Plant based foods – seemingly are not all they are cracked up to be. There may be a handful of products out there that are ok for you, but get me a piece of grass fed cow ANY DAY. The body processes that and there is very little waste, because our body is designed to eat ruminant animals.

We need to start listening to our bodies people.

Cause for Concern

What is “Organic”?

You see Organic on everything now. Well, on many things anyway. Organic usually means more expensive. But it also means it’s really healthy for you too, right?

Today, we have longer lives, but more intolerances than ever. This isn’t a political position, but one regarding health concerns. Just think this through. Why are we having more gluten issues than ever reported in history? Why are we having more and more vegetables and fruits that are hurting people? We have this huge battle going on – MEAT IS BAD for the planet vs. many VEGETABLES/GRAINS ARE BAD because our bodies are gluten intolerant or because of some other negative effect.

What qualifies as “Organic?”

First off, if a contributing factor to growing a food WAS something man-made or “synthetic” it would no longer be considered “Organic.” However – guess what? There are now many “approved” synthetics that can be used by organic farmers under certain circumstances. 1

Here is one example when a “synthetic” can be utilized and I quote from the Code of Federal Regulations,

§ 205.600 Evaluation criteria for allowed and prohibited substances, methods, and ingredients.

(b) In addition to the criteria set forth in the Act, any synthetic substance used as a processing aid or adjuvant will be evaluated against the following criteria:

(1) The substance cannot be produced from a natural source and there are no organic substitutes;


Which means, if it doesn’t come from nature, you can make something else that will do what you want it to do and that will be approved as “Organic.” Don’t get mad at me. I didn’t like that response either. I’m just reading the text. Really think that through. Whatever was grown and processed with whatever this synthetic was, could still have the label “Organic” on it.

Now this is interesting. And this is particularly why I am writing this – because I have done many hours of study on this and it’s rather troublesome. Again, not something I wanted to find, but once I read it from a source back in the 1980’s, I decided I really needed to know more.

Bt short for the name Bacillus Thuringiensis is a commonly used product to spray on many different plants and is considered organic. And TECHNICALLY it is organic. It’s a naturally occurring bacteria that grows in soil. But what isn’t being told is that this bacteria, in order to get the quantities needed to do what they want it to do, they have to create this bacteria in a lab in high doses and then spray this “Organic” bacteria all over plants, which then drips into the soil and is taken up into the roots. Why did I give all this detail? Well, because companies that create these GM – Genetically Modified seeds, say that Bt is ok on plants, because when the sun hits it, it dries up and the infrared light from the sun will kill off the Bt. 3 But any product that hits the soil, which it does, is then taken up by the plant roos in high doses and is THEN ingested by humans.

BUT IT’S “Organic”. Bt is ONLY a bacteria. The problem is however, that it’s a bacteria in the same family as …. wait for it …. Anthrax. No joke.

How Bt stops bugs from eating the crops is a very well hidden secret. The bugs aren’t deterred from eating the crops at all. Bugs don’t get into the area of these treated plants and decide to fly off and try to eat something else. They land. They eat the crop. But when they eat a crop that has been treated with Bt, they eat the treated plants and then their stomach linings are destroyed. 4 In some instances, the insects stomach will actually explode. 5 But in all cases the insects will just stop eating, forever. Which means they will ultimately die of starvation or wait until their stomach explodes.

40 years ago, it was determined that this bacteria Bt was very good at stopping insects. Now Bt is one of the key ingredients of more than 180 registered products in the U.S. that are used on our crops and enter our water table. And it is now considered “Organic.”

But then, there is this statement in that same reference material from Wayland J. Hayes, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Toxicity to Man – Foods artificially contaminated with B. thuringiensis var. galleriae – cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, tenesmus, colic-like pains in the abdomen and fever.  It was concluded that bacteria pathogenic to insects can cause food poisoning similar to that caused by other bacteria of the Bacillus cereus group – Pivovarov et al., 1977

What does artificially contaminated mean? Remember, there is some Bt in the soil, but when you SPRAY it on your plants, it is now considered artificially contaminated. Keep in mind that there are many different variants of Bt, but they all impact in the same way – just maybe not as much so in every genus or species.

And I haven’t even touched on GMO which is where Big Companies put the genes of Bt into tons of crops now. Remember – it’s called Genetically Modified for a reason. 6

EPA however says and again I quote,

Pesticide products containing microbial Bt have been used in organic agriculture for many years. Bt crops have provided substantial human health, environmental and economic benefits. Growers may realize increased crop yields through better pest control and lower overall input costs. … Bt is well known as a low risk pesticide with little or no toxicity to mammals or non-target organisms.—Environmental Protection Agency

This may have been partially true at one point. I’m curious of when this statement was put out and who thought they needed to state this. Was it 40 years ago? Either way, many doctors including this one seem to disagree,

Reduced insecticide use has been touted as one of the significant benefits of GM crops like Bt corn, but insecticide use is now increasing as farmers attempt to save their failing Bt crops from pests. Not only is Bt corn producing resistant “super-pests,” researchers have also found that the Bt toxin can be transfered [sic] to humans and may wreak havoc on your health.
—Dr. Joseph Mercola,, alternative osteopath and natural products salesman

One last time. Our bodies are telling us something. Why aren’t we listening? Don’t let those in power – who are being paid by lobbyists – dictate what is good for you. Just listen to your body.